What is Universal Design? - Universal Design Hand Book English edition

最終更新日 令和3年4月14日

ページ番号 122135

What is Universal Design?

We have published a Univesal Design Hand book English edition to give knowledge of UD to many people.

We are distributing a handbook for free of charge at the counter of the City Development and Management Division, City Development Division of each Sogo Shisho (District Administration Office), and each Municipal Library.

You can see an attached PDF files of this hand book below. (A text edition on a handbook corresponds to the sound finishing software you have. Please use the one of visually impaired. Please inquire about details of other PDF files to City Development and Management Division.)

Related page

Promotion of Universal Design in the City of Setagaya

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都市整備政策部 都市デザイン課

電話番号 03-6432-7152

ファクシミリ 03-6432-7996

所在地 世田谷区玉川1-20-1二子玉川分庁舎内 A棟2階28番窓口

最寄駅:東急田園都市線 二子玉川駅より徒歩11分、東急大井町線 上野毛駅より徒歩7分